In these photos I have caught the scent of a rodent but actually snacked on a beetle. Since I've entered my late single digits, I've discovered the joys of hunting smaller, six-legged prey. Insect hunting requires fine motor skill, dexterity, and patience. It can be conducted in a small space, even while hooked to a six foot cable. Yet within this small circumference lies an aura of danger - particularly with wasps, bees, and such. Insect prey are particularly appealing in hot weather, as I have less desire to exert myself. This becomes especially crucial when my cable becomes entangled in the surrounding foliage as: (1) my available circumference is even more limited, and; (2) my exertion must then focus on breaking the cable and/or aforementioned foliage.
lol. Poor suvi (again). My Sophie loves to hunt bees.